Local Politicians Push Back

Opposition to the WHO treaties has not only come from the public, but representatives from Local Councils and Community Boards throughout New Zealand have also joined the action!

Local government representatives from across the country have signed a letter outlining some of their concerns with the W.H.O’s Pandemic Treaty.

Click the button to download and read the letter.

MP Email Campaign

From this Monday, 27 May, the 77th World Health Assembly will meet to vote on the WHO’s proposed Pandemic Agreement (Treaty) and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

It is imperative the representatives from the New Zealand Government vote against the reforms or postpone voting to allow countries (big and small, well-resourced and not) sufficient time to review, consider, and understand the impacts of what is proposed in these treaties.

To ensure the Coalition Government is aware of the community support for a NO/Postpone vote, we urge those who care about NZ’s sovereignty to drop our MPs an email today to let them know!

Read on for help with a copy & paste email list and an email template to make this task easy-peasy!

MP Email Addresses (By Party)

Use our handy email list to make sure our MPs know you value New Zealand’s sovereignty.

Download the email list and follow the instructions below to send an email to the MPs of your choice.

Email Template

Make your voice count in fewer than 5 minutes.
Have your say on the World Health Assembly vote today!
  1. Open your email and create a new message.

  2. Copy the email addresses of the MPs you want to send your email to (from the Word document download above) and paste them into the ‘To:’ field of a new email.

  3. Copy the following text and paste it into the body of your email (or write your own message).
  4. Add your name at the bottom of the message.
  5. Press SEND!

Dear Minister,

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Reforms Vote
Monday 27 May Geneva 77th World Health Assembly

As a concerned voter, I am writing to ask that you insist that New Zealand vote NO to the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Reforms at the upcoming 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva on May 27.

Alternatively, I request a postponement of the vote to allow thorough review and consideration.

Urgency is unwarranted as pandemics pose no existential threat, as evidenced by The Leeds Report. The WHO is not adhering to its own protocols, with member states lacking adequate time to assess final documents.

Approval would grant the WHO authority over New Zealand, contradicting our recent cabinet paper. Moreover, other nations are rejecting these reforms. The financial burden on New Zealand could exceed $1.5 billion biennially.

I implore you to instruct New Zealand’s delegates to oppose the reforms or delay voting for a comprehensive assessment.


[Your Name]

Share a Meme

People power creates change!

To generate people power, we must prioritise increasing public awareness, and memes and interviews are just the trick!

The more we can spark interest in this topic amongst those around us, the more the word will spread, and the more successful we’ll be in orchestrating public and political pressure and, ultimately, driving the action and change we all seek – saying NO to the WHO’s treaties and agreements.

Further Information

We wouldn’t be the only ones saying NO!

Other Countries are saying NO to the Pandemic Treaty Reforms

In the Netherlands, on 16 April 2024, the Dutch Parliament approved a motion which calls for the government to request a vote postponement on the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the proposed Pandemic Treaty:

On 1 May 2024, 49 Republican Senators in the US wrote to President Biden asking him to withdraw the US support for the Pandemic Treaty Reforms.

This was followed up on 8 May 2024, when 22 US Attorney Generals also wrote to President Biden.

On 8 May 2024, the United Kingdom rejected the WHO Pandemic Treaty on the grounds of sovereignty concerns.

Last year, New Zealand rejected the Article 59 International Health Regulation amendments, which dramatically reduced the timeframes for considering, rejecting, and implementing future amendments. We note that the original timeframes New Zealand fought to retain have now been returned in the April 2024 version of the IHR Amendments.

IHR & Pandemic Agreement Themes

The 300+ IHR amendments include the following themes:

  • A public health emergency won’t need to be real: the WHO will be able to declare a potential (not actual) public health emergency on its own and could extend to climate related issues.
  • New Zealand will have no say on a WHO declared health emergency, even one that occurs within our own borders.
  • The WHO will have the power to order:
    • lockdowns
    • travel restrictions
    • forced medical examinations
    • mandatory vaccinations
  • The fundamental principle of individual human rights is discarded in favour of group concepts of inclusivity and equity.
  • The WHO can direct New Zealand to give money to developing nations.
  • Acceptance of the amendments by the New Zealand government will hand decision making power to the WHO, and the New Zealand public will have no recourse.

The WHO Pandemic Agreement themes include:

  • The loss of freedom of speech. The WHO will control the narrative, it will:
    • Control research and development
    • Censor scientific debate.
    • Target and take down mis- and disinformation, by assisting countries to respond to what it declares an ‘infodemic’.
  • Vaccine manufacturers will be free from liability with countries required to grant indemnities and establish state compensation schemes for the injured.
  • Introduce ‘One Healthwhere the WHO will aim to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals and ecosystems.
  • Require member states to scour their countryside for pathogens, which then need to be supplied to and stored in WHO laboratories. (Will further gain of function research take place?)
  • The WHO will dictate significant financial contributions by individual member states will have to make.