Myocarditis Is Not Mild

CARM And Otago University Conflicts Of Interest

Published On: 20 September 2021| Categories: Covid 19 Vaccine| 2 min read|

In case folks still have questions as to why the NZ Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM) is way behind the rollout as well as showing nothing of major concern and any deaths are always unrelated – this might help.

CARM is located within Otago University. The three main sources of the Otago University Infection group funding are:

  1. The HRC or Heath Research Council of NZ.
  2. GAVI – the Global alliance for ‘vaccines’
  3. The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation

In addition, Otago University has received grants of nearly $2 million from the Gates Foundation.

The HRC’s annual report gushes about ‘billions of dollars’ worth of funding available from investors including Gates & Zuckerberg who are showing interest in the University.

Gavi is of course the global ‘vax’ outfit setup by Gates Foundation to invest in ‘vaxs’ and is the ‘vaccinator’ of nearly 50% of the world. The third donor, – Gates foundation, itself funds Gavi and pledged $10 billion USD in 2010, calling the last decade – the ‘decade of vaccines’.

So, there might just be a wee case of ‘conflict of interests’ involved. With all this funding from Gates & Co, little wonder CARM database has found hardly anything of concern in the rollout.


Column Author: Jaspreet Boporai. a 42 year old wife, mum of two kids (6, 4) and a dairy farmer. She and her husband manage 1500 cows over two farms in Western Southland for a large equity partnership.

Jaspreet got her degree in accounting from Massey and has also been bookkeeping for the last decade.

She and her husband moved to NZ in 2009, swapping 80 hour weeks in corporate banking for prob longer weeks in farming! (her husband has done his MBA and Jaspreet was a mortgage underwriter in India).

Hailing from Punjab (the epicentre of Indian farmer protests), India’s wheat basket, the love of land runs strong in the couple and wanting to go large scale farming got them to New Zealand.

Jaspreet’s family has been serving in the Indian army for many generations and nearly 30 years ago, her dad served in the Indian army contingent under the aegis of the United Nations in Africa. Thus, began her interest in all things UN related!

Infection group funding

relationship scienceannual report 2

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