Harvard Business School Moves Online After Surge In Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases

Harvard Business School Moves Online After Surge In Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases

Published On: 3 October 2021| Categories: Covid 19 Vaccine, Editorial| 1.1 min read|

That pesky pandemic of the great unwashed strikes again, eh? 🤪

And people think that getting to high percentage jab rates is going to change things? 🤔

It’s time to pry open those peepers and look at what is happening overseas.  They’re NOT getting their freedoms back. 👀

We cannot comply ourselves back to freedom.

It’s not how this works. It hasn’t worked in the parts of the world who are essentially months ahead of us with their jabberwocky programmes and it’s not going to work here either…

How many more freedoms are we willing to throw on the bonfire before we start to entertain other options? 🔥

“Harvard requires that all community members—students, faculty, staff, and researchers—be vaccinated. As of Sept. 22 figures, 96% of Harvard employees and 95% of Harvard students were vaccinated. That’s a much higher vaccination rate than the U.S. adult population, which currently lands at just more than 64% vaccinated. As of Monday, HBS students have been asked to learn remotely through the weekend.”

So, what to do? Get involved in the movement with a close eye on the rest of the world. Ask the important questions and don’t accept political waffle for answers. 🙌✊👊

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