NZ Mayors’ Triggered By AAG
When you want to know who’s caught out, just look at who is triggered!
After attending an Agricultural Action Group meeting at Balclutha, Federated Farmers and a Southern Mayor are alarmed at misinformation about United Nations agenda 2030!!
Meanwhile, our Parliament endlessly debates He Puapua and United Nations Agenda 2040 (Indigenous Peoples Declaration).
But, United Nations Agenda 2030 is lies!! 🤥😉
Just an oversight somehow that NZ paid $8 million this Jan towards UN can be found at this url https://www.un.org/en/ga/contributions/honourroll.shtml
(Note: Original link shared that showed a few thousand pages of action NZ has taken towards AGENDA 21 no longer exists).
Or the small matter of a Feb 2000 (yes, 21 years back!) report that deals with issues of why local government in NZ is lagging behind implementing Agenda 21.
Now, Bryan Cadogan is mayor for Clutha. His brother, Tim Cadogan is the mayor for Central Otago. Both gentlemen have signed the Mayors’ climate emergency, as a part of LGNZ (LOCAL GOVT NZ) and both will be likely attending the taxpayer funded junket at Blenheim later this very month, all part of the UN promoted Mayoral Conference.
Central Otago District long term plans make a huge song and dance about United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation at Council levels.
The United Nations has hailed Mayors are first responders of a city.
Central Otago’s long term plans.
But please… Its all a conspiracy theory.
😉 😂
NZ report on sustainable development goals 😉
When we had more than gutter press in NZ – 2015
Column Author: Jaspreet Boporai. a 42 year old wife, mum of two kids (6, 4) and a dairy farmer. She and her husband manage 1500 cows over two farms in Western Southland for a large equity partnership.
Jaspreet got her degree in accounting from Massey and has also been bookkeeping for the last decade.
She and her husband moved to NZ in 2009, swapping 80 hour weeks in corporate banking for prob longer weeks in farming! (her husband has done his MBA and Jaspreet was a mortgage underwriter in India).
Hailing from Punjab (the epicentre of Indian farmer protests), India’s wheat basket, the love of land runs strong in the couple and wanting to go large scale farming got them to New Zealand.
Jaspreet’s family has been serving in the Indian army for many generations and nearly 30 years ago, her dad served in the Indian army contingent under the aegis of the United Nations in Africa. Thus, began her interest in all things UN related!
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