Muna Lee – Māmā, Mauri & Ora

Muna Lee – Māmā, Mauri & Ora

Published On: 1 August 2021| Categories: Covid 19 Vaccine| 1.7 min read|

This week we are showcasing the speakers from our successful “Covid19 Response” Discussion and Dinner (held in February 2021).

Our first speaker is Muna Lee – a woman of many talents and a māmā of four strong, healthy, unvaccinated children.

Her lifestyle is holistically centred around Mauri and Ora (strength and health of our intrinsic life force). Muna believes that as practitioners of traditional art forms, health practices and knowledge keepers, we must stand to protect our whakapapa (DNA) to ensure the health and well-being of our future generations.

The Measles & The Media In this first extract from her presentation at our Voices For Freedom “Covid19 Response” Discussion, Muna discusses raising unvaccinated children, her frustration with the media fear based reporting on the measles and her experience coming out as a mum that had chosen a different path from the usual.

Watch video here

Parihaka & The Lessons Of Passive Resistance In this second exert from her presentation Muna speaks about Parihaka in Taranaki and about how the key to our future success may lie in the strategies and strength of how her whakapapa responded to the government at that time..

Watch video here

Gift or Guinea Pigs? In this final excerpt from her presentation Muna speaks about the problematic labelling of Māori as “vulnerable people” in the context of the v. rollout. She voices her concerns with the lack of transparency, the inadequate safety data and the ongoing trials. She also raises a perplexing question: are Māori receivers of a “gift” or being used as “guinea pigs”?.

Watch video here

Full Length Presentation. These recordings were made at our Voices For Freedom “Covid19 Response” Discussion & Dinner Event in February 2021. We were honoured to have Muna Lee as one of our speakers. Keep an eye out for further videos coming here from our Covid19 Response Discussion and also visit for full length presentations.

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